Serving the greater Atlanta, GA area, Dr. Steven Bailey and the team at The Hand Center at Crawford Plastic Surgery treat the conditions and injuries that affect the hands.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include numbness, tingling, burning, pain, swelling, and weakness of the fingers and hand. Eventually, this condition can make it difficult to grip objects or make a fist. Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome may include the use of a splint, steroidal injections, or endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery.

Dupuytren?s Contracture

Dupuytren?s contracture occurs when the fascia of the palm begins to thicken. This results in pain and cords and nodules that develop on the palm. While the pain eventually resolves, the pinky, ring, and middle fingers bend in toward the palm, seriously inhibiting the function of the hand. When the condition becomes severe, treatment may involve the use of injection therapy or surgery to straighten the fingers.

Fingertip Injuries

Fingertip injuries can be caused by a crush injury, such as when a door is closed or a heavy object is dropped on the fingers. In other cases, the fingertips can be cut by a kitchen knife or power saw. These injuries can cause damage to the skin, nail bed, tissues, tendons, nerves, and bone. To restore the appearance and function of the fingertips, Dr. Bailey may dress the injury, use splints or pins, or perform surgery.

Hand Arthritis / Mucus Cysts

Osteoarthritis of the hand causes pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints of the fingers and hand. In cases in which arthritis affects the top joints of the fingers, mucous cysts can form. Typically, these cysts are not painful and don?t require treatment. However, arthritis can be treated with oral medications, physical therapy, injection therapy, or surgery, all of which can decrease the reoccurrence of mucous cysts.

Hand Fractures

Hand fractures may affect the metacarpal or phalangeal bones. Because the bones of the hand are some of the most used in the body, it is important to undergo effective treatment to preserve good function. Dr. Bailey will review your CT or MRI images to determine if non-surgical treatment with a splint or cast will suffice, or if surgical intervention and the use of pins, plates, or screws are needed to ensure proper healing of the bone.

Mallet (Baseball) Finger

Mallet finger is a condition in which the finger can?t straighten on its own due to an extensor tendon injury. In some cases, patients may also experience pain, swelling, and bruising of the affected finger. Often, we can treat mallet finger without surgery; we may place a splint or cast to keep the finger in its proper, straight alignment while the tendon heals. In cases of bone fragments or misalignment of the joint, surgery may be necessary.

Nerve Injuries

Laceration, stretching, or excess pressure can cause nerve injuries of the hand. Loss of sensation is the most common symptom of nerve injuries, but some patients experience significant pain instead. Hand therapy may be recommend for less serious nerve injuries. Surgery, in the form of nerve reattachment, a nerve graft, or placement of a synthetic nerve conduit, is an option for patients with more serious nerve injuries.

Tendon Injuries

The tendons are the connective tissues that attach the finger bones and muscle. They are responsible for the movement of the fingers. When the tendons are injured, it can significantly impact a patient?s daily function and quality of life. To treat tendon injuries, Dr. Bailey may use a splint so the tendon can rest and remain immobilized. For serious injuries, surgery may be performed to suture and repair the damaged tendon.

Thumb Arthritis

Thumb arthritis affects the joints of the thumb, causing pain, stiffness, and swelling. With time, it can make it difficult to pivot or swivel the thumb, motions that are essential when performing tasks such as opening a jar or door. To treat thumb arthritis, Dr. Bailey may recommend a thumb spica splint or injection therapy. Surgical treatment may involve debridement of the joint and the use of pins to fuse the bones together, or removal of the trapezium and the use of sutures.

Thumb Sprain (Skiers Thumb)

Thumb sprains are commonly caused by sports accidents or falls that cause the thumb to bend in an extreme and unnatural position, resulting in stretching or tearing of the ligament. This results in pain, swelling, bruising, and problems with thumb function. Immobilizing the ligament with a splint or cast for several weeks may allow the sprain to heal. If the tear is severe, surgery may be required to repair the ligament.

Trigger Finger

Trigger finger occurs when the pulleys, which keep the tendons close to the bone, thicken, inhibiting the tendon?s ability to glide through. This results in pain at the base of the finger or thumb. The area may also feel sensitive to pressure, cause a catching or popping feeling, or reduce finger movement. Treatment for this condition may include the use of a night splint, NSAID medications, steroid injections, or changes in your activity.


Contact The Hand Center at Crawford Plastic Surgery to schedule an appointment with us.